40th Annual Buffalo Bill Days

Date and Time
Thursday Aug 1, 2024 Sunday Aug 4, 2024
See full schedule of events below for more specific dates and times of activities!
Contact Information
Darla Tylor @ (507) 467-3722
Send Email

Buffalo Bill Cody, the legendary showman and frontiersman, left an indelible mark on Lanesboro. In the late 1880s, Buffalo Bill—whose real name was William F. Cody—visited Lanesboro to spend time with his friend, a local medical practitioner named Dr. Frank “White Beaver” Powell. As legend has it, together they hatched an exciting plan: to create a Wild West show based on William Cody's exploits and adventures.
With the assistance of the local Winnebago Native American tribe, Buffalo Bill and Dr. Powell organized their very first Wild West show right here in Lanesboro. The inaugural performance took place indoors at Nelson Hall. Imagine the thrill as cowboys, sharpshooters, and Native American performers showcased their skills—the spirit of the frontier coming alive in our picturesque town.
Although Dr. Powell eventually returned to Lanesboro after a limited tour, Buffalo Bill continued his journey to worldwide fame. His legacy lives on, and every year, Lanesboro celebrates this remarkable chapter in its history during Buffalo Bill Days. This three-day festival features golf, softball, volleyball tournaments, plays at the Commonweal Theatre, beer and brat tents, barbecue chicken, live music, bingo, dancing, karaoke, and plenty of family-friendly kids activities. On Saturday night, fireworks light up the bluffs, and Sunday afternoon brings the grand parade for the whole family.
So, next time you stroll through Lanesboro’s charming streets, remember that you’re treading on the same ground where Buffalo Bill once left his mark—a testament to the enduring spirit of the Wild West in this delightful corner of Minnesota! 🤠🌟
12 PM- The 2-Person Best Shot Golf Tournament opens (golf anytime through Sunday @3 PM)
4 PM- Beverage and Bratt Tent Opens
5-8 PM- Live Music in Beverage and Brat Tent with Troy Hrtanek
5 PM- Ambulance Takeout Steak Dinner-Near the Beverage and Bratt Tent
--$20 Advanced Tickets at City Hall
7 PM- Men's Softball Tournament- Softball Field
8:30-12:30 PM- Street Dance with the Blueringers (Support our Volunteer Firefighters!)
5 PM- 1 AM Sober Shuttle with Jeff Sanders of Bluffscape Amish Tours
8:30 AM- Buffalo Roam- 5k/1 mile family fun Run/Walk (Trailhead Location | Visitors Center)
9 AM-12 PM- Farmers Market
9 AM- Men's Softball Tournament- Softball Field
10 AM- Beverage and Brat Tent Opens
10 AM-12:30 PM- Arnold Bradley Band-Sylvan Park Gazebo
12-5 PM- Free Kid's Activities: Bouncy houses! Water wars! "Mr. Fun" and MORE!
1-3 PM Bingo- Hosted by the Lanesboro Claydusters Trap Team. @Sylvan Park
1-4 PM Andy and Anne Lowe Live Music-Sylvan Park Gazebo
4-6 PM Bingo- Hosted by the Lanesboro Claydusters Trap Team. @Sylvan Park
8 PM-11:30 PM- Free Dance with Clay Fulton and the Lost Forty-Beverage and Brat Tent
Dusk-Fireworks from the Football Field (in case of rain, same time and location on Sunday)
5 PM- 1 AM Sober Shuttle with Jeff Sanders of Bluffscape Amish Tours
9 AM- Men's Softball Tournament- Softball Field
10 AM- Beverage and Brat tent opens
10 AM-12 PM- Hwy 30 Church Service Canned Goods | Free will donation @ Sylvan Park
12-5:15 PM- Free Kid's Activities: bouncy houses! water wars! "Mr. Fun" and MORE!\
1:30 PM Grand Parade
2:15-5:15- Balloons By Kevin
2:30- Kids Pedal Pull- Basketball Courts
3-6:30 PM Live Music with the Travis Trio- Beverage and Brat tent
4 PM- Funtime Funktions Fire Show- Basketball Courts
5 PM- Duck Races- Sylvan Park
5 PM- Raffle Tickets | Duck races and other event winners announced- Beverage and Brat Tent.
Register for various events by clicking here.